Geoinformatics regulations  

The aim of the study course is to acquire the normative base of the field of geounformatics on which the development and operation of geoinformation infrastructure, exchange of geospatial data in Latvia and Europe are based, to learn to follow the normative acts and apply them in practice; The task of the study course: 1. To learn to work with the State Policy Planning Database POLSIS; 2. To get acquainted with the document of political formation of the sector: “Latvian geospatial information development concept”; 3. To get acquainted with the legislation of Latvia: Geospatial Information Law; 4. To get acquainted with the accompanying orders of the Geospatial Information Law and the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers; 5. To get acquainted with the database of European Union regulatory enactments EUR-Lex; 6. Familiarize yourself with Directive 2007/2 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE); 7. Get acquainted with the regulations accompanying the directive; 8. To learn to orientate in the normative acts of geospatial information and their practical application. The language of instruction is Latvian. Knowledge: 1. Understands the regulatory enactments and standards governing the field; 2. Knows the requirements of regulatory enactments regulating the field of geoinformatics. Skills: 3. Select the regulatory enactments necessary for solving the problem; 4. Apply the regulatory enactments regulating the field of geoinformatics in their work; 5. Documents shall be drawn up in accordance with regulatory enactments in the field of record keeping and GIT. Competence: 6. Recognizes and selects the regulatory enactments necessary for solving the problem; 7. To work with the regulatory enactments regulating the industry and apply them.
Geoinformatics regulations

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